the ceritfied bruneian teh tarik addict (f)artistfulltime student(?), drawing as a hobby!


16 | any prns | seasian - bruneian (ENG/MALAY) | muslimtimezone GMT +8
ok with gendered terms

mainly ace attorney, sort of into homestuck, fnaf, roblox
games played
aa trilogy, apollo justice, dual destinies, tgaa/dgs
-currently watching aai and soj

Lead of hit rock band 'The Gavinners',
Klavier Gavin, seen with a potential love inter...

b4 u follow

> i might say kys jokes (tell me if ur uncomfy w that)
> i spam/rt alot
> i use gendered terms (dude, bro, queen, ect) , tell me if ur uncomfy w that !!
> i might interact with dsmp fanart, but i am not an dsmp fan nor do i support the creators
> sometimes i speak in malay ops
> i dont usually tag ace attorney spoilers

do not interact x(

> basic dnf criteria
> islamophobes
> those who make fun of neopronouns
> nft/crypto bros
> proshippers
> ages <13 or >30 unless i follow u first